3% Movement
The 3% Movement was born when only 3% of all U.S. Creative Leaders were women. I’m proud to have had the privilege of contributing to this project in its early stages, pushing the boundaries of both concept and visual approach. It’s inspiring to see how far the movement has come—thanks to their tireless efforts over the years, that number has now risen to an impressive 29%.
With the "Brands on Board" theme, the intention was to expand the movement beyond agencies to include brands and companies. We created a visually striking identity highlighting women's importance in both the consumer and creation processes. We "pink-dipped" consumer goods, and I crafted a unique hand-brushed font to add more personality. Despite a tight budget, we got creative and conducted a photoshoot in the agency basement. The result was so impactful that we extended the visuals beyond the program guidebook to the entire event branding, setting a new standard for future events.
"The 3% Movement's journey is seriously inspiring!
They've shown us how powerful advocacy can be and why fighting for more diversity and inclusion at work is so important.
Concept, Art direction, Photography, Image Retouching, Props Design, Calligraphy
Agency: Eleven Inc